Our Inspiration
The Institute “SAKSHI” was started in 1997 with the aim of disseminating the wisdom in the ancient Veda Samhita and related books such as Upanishads.
SAKSHI draws its inspiration from the great spiritual savants and scholars, Sri Aurobindo, The Mother (1878 – 1973), Sri Kapali Shastry and Sri Madhav Pandit (1918 – 1993). Their well-known books emphasize the need for harmonizing both the “spiritual” and “worldly” aspects of our life.
We have to take seriously the notions, “All is Brahman” and “All life is Yoga”. We should become conscious of every act or thought in us so that we can indeed lead a beautiful and harmonious life.
What we Do?
The revival of the knowledge of the Vedas and paying due attention to it, which it truly deserves, is the need of the time. The more the inner meaning of the Vedas is brought to light, the more will be the effulgence and expansion of the true genius of India, which will lead of not only the good of India, not even only of mankind, but also to the entirety of Nature and environment, both animate and inanimate. This verily is our firm conviction and ardent hope.
Here is a Panoramic view of activities and achievements of SAKSHI, in regard to preservation, research and propagation of the Vedic Knowledge.
The Core Activities of SAKSHI
Preservation includes entering the text of the four Veda-s into the computer and producing audio-video compact disks. Our Ancient books mention that there were about eight recensions (shakha) of Rig Veda. Now only one of them is available, namely Shakala recension. The great grammarian Pantanjali mentions the existence of 90 Yajur Veda recensions. Now not more than ten of them are existing. Hence, without the active participation of a large number of persons the Veda heritage is bound to fade away.
Veda Knowledge is much more relevant to the modern times. It helps in purification of the physical body; integrating and firming up of the body; taking life-energy to all the organs of gross and subtle bodies; recognition of cosmic powers; recognizing the role of Gods as world-builders. It inspires and guides the process of progress in life. The research is focused on this aspect.
Dissemination of Veda Knowledge is done through various activities like the publication of books, workshops, seminars, lecturers, the exhibition of books and audio-video presentations, Newsletters etc.
ಕನ್ನಡಕ್ಕೆ ಅನುವಾದಗೊಂಡಿವೆ ವೇದಗಳು!ಎಲ್ಲರ ಕೈಗೆ ಜ್ಞಾನ! | ರ. ವಿ. ಜಹಾಗೀರದಾರ | ರೋಹಿತ್ ಚಕ್ರತೀರ್ಥ

Dr. R L Kashyap
Padma Shri Awardee 2021
Founder and Honorary Director – SAKSHI Trust
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Emeritus at Purdue University, USA and also director of the Sri Aurobindo Kapali Sastry Institute of Vedic Culture. He has made fundamental contributions both in the field of Computer Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, as well as in the field of Vedic Studies.
In the field of Vedic studies, he has made fundamental contribution including the complete translation into English of all the four major and most ancient collection of verses in Sanskrit namely Rig Veda Samhita, Krishna Yajurveda Samhita, and Sama Veda, and Atharva Veda, consisting together of about 25000 metrical verses in the Sanskrit of Vedas (different from classical Sanskrit). He has continued the work of Sri Aurobindo and Kapali Sastry in revealing the deep meanings of Veda mantras.